Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am so excited, the exhilaration is setting in.


James Anderson said...

Yeah, yeah, get over it.

Maria said...

watch your mouth young man.

Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

i posted it 2x

Kathryn said...

I have to agree with the first comment. Life with Maria the next few weeks...I'm not sure I like to think about it.

MarissaK said...

Mia, I can finally post on your blog now. I still don't get why you are obsessed with Seattle....

James Anderson said...

kath,nothing personal but i don't really think you should be talking..... it's like our Cedar Campus. you love Cedar Campus and maria loves Seattle. i personally like Seattle, but on the other hand i have never been to Cedar Campus. Seattle is pretty, it's fun, relaxing,and the ocean is like less than 30 miles away.the city actually rests on the edge of Puget Sound, there dozens of museums,aquariums, and discovery centers and what-not, beautiful
forests, waterfalls, aand SEVERAL volcanoes and MOUNTAINS! kath sometime you should borrow our book called, "Top Ten Seattle"


Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said...

Maria, agrees with Abby!
Kath i can rant all i want because you do nothing but talk about ceder campus, from the day you get back you talk about going back! Come on Girl let me have my fun.

Maria said...

Dang it i did it again!!!
I posted the comment 2x.

MarissaK said...

Mia you are so funny :)

Kathryn said...

Yes, I'm sure Seattle's absolutely wonderful and I would love to go there if I had the time and money but you just can't quite have the same feelings about it as I have about Cedar. To start with, I've been going to Cedar since I was 2, it's been deeply embedded in me ever since I was small. You know I could go on and on about all my reasons, but to end with, Cedar's a place that's very special to thousands of people because God has met them there. It's just hard to get that feeling anywhere else. Every single time I go to Cedar, I am in a community with lots of other believers, some going through difficult times but it's never beneath them to share about it with us. When I go to the student camps, we have worship every night and I've never seen anything like it. A group of 200 or so college students from all around the world committing their lives to Christ and drawing closer to him, all because they came to Cedar. The testimonies that they give at the end of the week never fail to take my breath away. It's just such an incredible place in that sense and I don't know if I'll ever feel that anywhere else. But have your fun, you'll know what I'm talking about once you finally get up there!!!

Kathryn said...

Another thing about Cedar is that I can completely be myself. Ask anyone who goes to lighthouse or HSC, I'm not the most chatty person around who raises her hand to every question. Actually, I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I'm mute until someone calls on me. At Cedar, it's the exact opposite. A typical Cedar class would go like this,

Ian: Who wants to pray?
Kathryn and Anne: ooo!! Me!! Me!!! Me!! pick me!!!
Ian: What are your first thoughts about this passage
Kathryn and Anne: Oh!!! i have a good one!!!! me!!! me!!! pick me!!!

You get the idea. I'm just not like that at home and never could be.

Also, Cedar has always helped others face their fears and, in doing so, it also helps them to do God's calling on their lives. Almost every year in class, we each go down to the rocky beach and pick a rock. We think of a fear and write it on our rock. When we feel ready to give up our fear and let God be in control, we throw the rock, and our fear, into the bay. I've seen soooo many people, kids, college students and adults struggle wondering if they can give up their fears.
Another thing about Cedar Campus is the retreats of silence. It's when the whole camp is completely quiet for three hours. No talking, no music, no anything with noise except for the nature that surrounds you. This has been an amazing opportunity for God to speak into the lives of others and the beach on the way to Gnome Rock testifies for that where little rock alters dot the shore.
Okay, one more thing, have patience with me and read it through. After all this, Cedar probably doesn't seem like the most lighthearted place. Well, despite all this, it still obtains a spectacular sense of fun. I've made so many awesome friends there, and have had so much fun with them in the sauna (trust me, you haven't had a sauna experience until you've been to the Cedar sauna!) sleeping on the beach, splashing through the water, during epic games of foosball and if you're an athletic person (which I'm NOT) There's games of Ultimate frisbee, soccer vball and nukem everyday.
Wait, I have one more, Cedar Campus is a place that will give you skills that stay with you for a lifetime. My mom went to SLT (Student Leadership Training) exactly 20 years ago and she still uses the skills that they taught her there about evangelism, leadership and following God's calling. I'm going to go to SLT as soon as I'm old enough and you should as well!! Now, I'll stop raving about Cedar...for now anyway.

Kathryn said...

Wait, I still have one more point to support my thesis statement! Seattle seems to be a bustling, lively, throbbing city, right? Well, because it is a city it means that at least some of the people can't tell the difference between right and wrong. It means that there has to be some kinds of strife, malice, evil and crime. It's pretty inaviodable in a city so great and big as Seattle. Well, non-Christians come to Cedar as well, but I don't know of anyone leaving Cedar as a non-Christian.

Cedar Campus isn't really a place where most people have their lifelong careers, but it is a place that equips some of America's most talented people to serve God and further His Kingdom. It's a place where the next generation has commited their lifelong careers to serve God and it creates an atmosphere that I just can't describe in three of your longest comments!

James Anderson said...

"Ask anyone who goes to lighthouse or HSC, I'm not the most chatty person around who raises her hand to every question. Actually, I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I'm mute until someone calls on me."

Kathryn, I am super super super sorry to say this, but based on my experience, you were very chatty at Homeschool Connection. You always raised your hand to Mrs. K's questions.
Sorry to bring up some painful memories, but I'm just speaking the truth!

Kathryn said...

I do NOT raise my hand to all of Mrs. Kazanjian's questions!!!! Especially in Lit class. You are basing this shocking statement from seeing me in one of my seven HSC classes!! what kind of proof is that?!! Christi, Meredee and Emily are my best friends at HSC, that's already half the class and that makes a big difference on my talking level. Even Mrs. Kazanjian said that my weak area is "expressing myself in class" and she'd "like to see Kath volunteer more information rather than waiting for me to call on her" And at lighthouse I am certainly NOT a hand raiser. But at Cedar I am the exact opposite. At least you must've read my comments. That's good.

Maria said...

All right you two break it up.
Kath i understand, I go to high school retreat each year and its kinda like ceder.

Maria said...

I like all these comments! i should do two sentence posts more often.

Kathryn said...

yeah, especially if they're topics that get me all fired up. For future reference, I will be sure to post comments that are lengthy and numerous if the post is about:

Cute kids
Cedar Campus
How exasperating math is
How much it annoys you when your siblings don't respect the public toothpaste bottle and get it covered in hairballs/old cracked toothpaste
Any classical music I like
Cedar Campus
I could think of more but I really want to stop working on the computer and go do something a little bit more interesting.

Doug said...

It rains in Seattle.

What takes you to Seattle?

Maria said...

That is what makes it so lush and green. Besides it doesn't rain as much in the summer. We have friends out there....and we just really want to go!