Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer Reflextion

Hard to believe that summer is half gone and we will be in school in less then 2 months. It has been a relatively uneventful summer. With the exception of summer fund raisers with my class and watching the Euro cup 2008 (Ya Spain!!!!). Not much has happened, not that I'm complaining! I mean look on the bright side, do you want to be in school instead of being board at home?
Tonight some of my class mates and i will be distributing flyer's in my neighborhood for our can drive,it may prove to be fun?


Doug said...

Well, I work at a school (college). So...

Kathryn said...

Wasn't that disappointing?!!!? I really wanted Germany to win.

Okay, now that you've look more astonished than you've ever looked in your life, I'll tell you that I'm not actually following sports.

I had three friends from Cedar who live in Germany who were really sad that the Germans lost therefore, I too was sad.

MarissaK said...

Mia you depress me darling. If we only have that short amount of time left, I really need to start working on AP....