Friday, October 3, 2008

I had surgery

surgery is not fun. I had my wisdom teeth taken out and have the stitches to prove it. I'm in a lot of pain but am determined to get better.
On the bright side i just got home from High School retreat on Wednesday and it was a lot of fun. The Worship was awesome and the speaker was really good. We were put on teams and competed through out Monday and Wednesday, my team finished last but it was a lot of fun. I 'm kind of tired right now so i'll write more later.


MarissaK said...

HONEY! Your Alive! I'm glad u are doing okay :) Check your email... I just went on Edline and saw the results for the chem olympics... not good. I miss Retreat so much, I don't want to go back to school. ;(

Kathryn said...

well I didn't go to any wca retreat, but I did go to a TP retreat and it was SO MUCH FUN! I don't think I'd like surgery very much. I hope I don't get wisdom teeth.

Kathryn said...


(random comment posted by procrastinating girl who really doesn't want to go to all that trouble of doing something as notorious as homework)