Saturday, April 5, 2008


So on Thursday I had my first soccer game of the season. And nobody on my team was expecting to have a game. You see we were going to have a game on Thursday but our field was like a bog with all the rain we had gotten, on Wednesday they canceled it. So every one was confused when the soccer team was called down to the office during 7th hr on Thursday. Coach told us we that the other team had not gotten the memo that the game was canceled and wanted us to play at there field.

Chaos ensued.

Everybody was franticly searching for cell phones and calling parents to bring them their jerseys and stuff. After an insane half hour we piled into cars and drove to Westland. In the end I thought that it was all worth it, we lost, but it was a good first, unprepared for, game. I scored our teams only goal, and my friend got a ....Yellow Card.

Yesterday/ today I went to a sleepover and hung out with friends, It was also fun, but tiring. We also had soccer practice yesterday, combined with not sleeping a ton last night, and being tried from not getting enough sleep on Thursday because of getting home late from our game, I AM WIPED OUT!!!!!!! So I'm going to finish my book.
Dose any body know what Antidisestablishmentarianism means? I do :)


Kathryn said...

So do I! It means that you're against disestablishmentarianism

Do you know what
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis means?

I do!! But I don't know how to pronounce it.

Kathryn said...

I think it means some kind of lung illness

Kathryn said...

Why did you put Si on your poll? He doesn't attend WCA and isn't going to. I don't get it.

Clarissa said...

i would know what it means, but i figure that when the online dictionary doesn't even know, i shouldn't feel bad if I don't either. yellow cards are hilarious.

Clarissa said...

you described that day a lot better than I did on mine. maybe blogs will help my english/writing skills. they need it.

Clarissa said...

okay i got it....... it is the belief of a person who is against not establishing something, or if you straighten out that double negative, a person who is in favor of establishing something. is that right?

Maria said...

Clarissa Wins!!!!!!!!