Well what can i say, school is out (has been out for over a week now)and all i have done since then has been have a Lord of the Rings marathon and go to car washes, and Dr. appointments. I have multiple stress fractures in both legs, so i can run for 3 months! That means no ultimate frisbee with my cousins, football with James,or soccer with friends, not to mention no back yard water fights. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!!
Thank goodness for books i have read 2 300+ page books, both by Ted Dekker,. I would highly recommend both. Although they are a bit violent. I also saw Prince Caspian and thought that is strayed from the book but was still good. "Horton hears a who!" was also pretty good. And in closing my new musical obsession is Pirates of the Caribbean .

Thank you for posting. I like that. I have a lot to say about it so I'll start at the beginning.
I have lots of stuff to do school or no school so I haven't gotten the summer blues yet and won't because when summers over we all know what comes next.
Not running in the summer is the most ridiculous treatment I've ever heard of for multiple stress fractures. To not run in the summer must be agonizing.
But I don't like ultimate frisbee (except at Cedar) I don't like football either (even at Cedar) Soccer isn't too fun either (But I do play it at Cedar) And water fights are my life during the summer! What are you going to do? sit around the house and mope all day?!?!? Maybe I should stop rubbing it in.
Yeah, the covers really don't look that...edifying. I think I'll stick with my literature. Those books look yuck. I mean look at those covers, I would have the worst nightmares ever!!! (Honestly, when I read books like that, my imagination has a tendency to take off at the most alarming rates. Ask Clara. Once I was sure there was a mummy in my bed and I wouldn't go out of hers, and once I imagined all these freaky hooded creatures with burning yellow eyes from mars crawling all over me and I even wrote a narrative for GCBC about the time that the glow in the dark letters under my sister's loft scared me almost to death.)
I liked Prince Caspian. It was so different than the book, I just thought of it as a different movie (like you said to) and everything was okay. I really really really want to see Horton Hears a Who. All the little kids I babysit LOVE that book.
My new musical obsession is Saint-Saens symphony no. 3 in c minor op. 78 'organ': maestro - allegro mvmt. 4. To say the least, we have very different musical tastes...
So, now I'm officially finished with an entire commentary on this post that's probably longer than the post itself. (Honestly, I've spent about 20 mintues on this comment alone, you should feel special)
I'm going to do a test
Well what can i say, school is out (has been out for over a week now)and all i have done since then has been have a Lord of the Rings marathon and go to car washes, and Dr. appointments. I have multiple stress fractures in both legs, so i can run for 3 months! That means no ultimate frisbee with my cousins, football with James,or soccer with friends, not to mention no back yard water fights. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T LIKE THAT!!!!
Thank goodness for books i have read 2 300+ page books, both by Ted Dekker,. I would highly recommend both. Although they are a bit violent. I also saw Prince Caspian and thought that is strayed from the book but was still good. "Horton hears a who!" was also pretty good. And in closing my new musical obsession is Pirates of the Caribbean .
Yep, my comment was about twice as long as your post!
coming back a few hours later, that first comment is bad write with run-on sentences. It rambles and has bad puncuation. The structure is weak and I don't give you enough background from where I'm coming. But I have this funny feeling that you don't really care...
I agree with all most every think you said, except the part about the book covers. Yes they are a bit scary, but the author is a Christian and the plots are really good!
That's quite an accomplishment considering how much I said!!
But the covers are NASTY! I hate the sound of fingernails scratching on anything. but if you say they're good...maybe i'll believe you.
(globe trotter's my new name...I simply had to come up with something else although it should technically be "globe trotter in my imagination" oh well)
hey mia! sup?
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